名詞+介系詞的慣用片語 "名詞+介系詞"的慣用片語,重點不是有哪些? 重點是如何來的: 1. 動詞片語來的: confide in -> confidence in. 2.形容詞片語 酒店經紀來了: possible of -> possibility of. 所以在之前的介系詞判斷,就告訴各位介 長灘島系詞的難點:不在於上上下下的介系詞概念. 而是有所謂的四個層次的思考: 1.兩字動詞. 2. 動詞慣 賣房子用語. 3.形容詞慣用語. 4.名詞慣用語. 酒店兼職 5.介系詞的關係(太簡單不算一個層次). "名詞+介系詞"的慣用片語,有哪些? for affection for pity for re 澎湖民宿ason for responsibility for sympathy for admiration for concern for respect for search for substitution for fondness for to 西服 admission to access to answer to attention to commitment to dvotion to comparison to dedication to indifference to key to opposition to reference to sub 西裝外套scription to objection to of care of approve of choice of possibility of provention of neglect of from divorce from freedom from separ 烤肉食材ation from protectin from escape from absence from 要知道自己的語言缺點在哪裡,不是隨意買一本坊間的介系詞,背了半天, 還是零分,根本就沒有深思自己的弱點,所以才會沒有學習效率! 中國 土地買賣人應是非常聰明,我就沒看過一個老外中文跟我差不多, 而英文好過老外卻很多! 加油吧!   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 住商房屋  .

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